About Us

About Jess - (on the left) I am a quiet, introverted old soul who has felt drawn to crystals from a very young age. I have a bachelor degree in Psychological Science and have a background in working with children in many different settings including schools and home care. I also have experience working with traumatized young people in youth residential care where I met my business partner, Sarah. Sarah and I are basically exact opposites in terms of personality traits and we complement each other perfectly. Our business ethics are strong: We believe that it's very important to act in a moral and ethical manner in all that we do, including while running a business. This means doing no harm, including to our customers, collaborators and the environment. My hope is that we will be able to work together to help you achieve some calm in this rapidly changing world.
About Sarah - (on the right) Hello, I'm Sarah. I am a passionate, free-spirited gal who loves to serve others. I am an extrovert who loves to socialize and explore life. My mission is helping soothe people's soul, helping them find their empowerment no matter what you're going through. I have studied Mastering Holistic counselling I also have my diploma in community serves as well as early childhood education and I'm always leaning new strategies to help people on their journey. I'm all about creating a tribe where people can feel safe, heal past wounds and learn to find their true purpose in life. Helping people see that they are enough, helping them become aware of the powers they have within themselves. I have fallen in love with crystals and all new-age healing methods, anything that can bring a little Zen into my life as I have experienced firsthand the powers they can have on your life as it did mine. I am also very craft minded and love the idea of creating something new for you all to enjoy. I look forward to serving and or meeting you.